My Podcast ‘Villain Village’

Hi 😎 Today I want to introduce my podcast to you guys! Before introducing the podcast, do you know Thanos?

Yes~ Thanos is the most powerful villain in our favorite Marvel movie! If he snaps his finger, half of the universe’s population can die. He’s the one who’s turned the Avengers into powder with that much power.

However, he has a justifiable reason to kill half of the universe’s population. Thanos predicted that Titan, the planet he grew up in, would be destroyed by exhaustion of resources. And he insisted on eliminating half of the population to save the planet. But people ignored his opinion, and finally Titan was destroyed by exhaustion of resources.
After that, he thought it’s his mission to save the universe and to kill half of all life in the universe for a better future. So he started to carry it out.

In fact, an economist in the 1800’s predicted that one day the population would become extinct due to the depletion of food and resources. Thanos’ argument is therefore not wrong and his actions are all for the future.

Now, what do you think? You think he’s a villain who kills a huge number of people for no reason? Or do you think he’s a reasonable man who sees the destruction of his own planet and acts to save the universe?

I made a podcast channel ‘Villain Village’ with Doohee Roh. This podcast will give you another chance to judge movie characters you only knew as villains. You can hear the voices of villains whether they are real villains for no reason or are just one of ordinary humans forced to become villains for reasonable reason.

If you’re interested in movies and want to hear more about the villains who weren’t the main characters in the movie, come to our podcast!

👉 Click to listen my podcast

Then, let me briefly talk about the content of our podcast.

We picked out the villains in the movie that everyone would probably be familiar with. Now, let me introduce you to four villains! Malfoy in the movie ‘Harry Potter’, Guem-ja in the movie ‘Sympathy for Lady Vengeance(친절한 금자씨 in Korean)’, Kova in the movie ‘Planet of the Apes’, and Maleficent in the movie ‘the Sleeping Beauty’. If there’s a movie you’ve seen here, or if there’s a character you’re curious about after seeing a picture of a character, I hope you come to our podcast soon !😉

Also, We’ve given podcast listeners a small task, which can develop the ability to think from various perspectives. As social structures and interests of people become increasingly complex, various perspectives are the essential items now to understand others properly. We can also practice writing my own scenario, thinking about how I would behave if I were a villain. I’m sure our channel will be a great help to you and even fun! ❤

If you guys have a good response to our podcast, we’re going to listen to other villains’ voices too! For example Lot-so bear in ‘Toy Sroty’, Magneto in ‘X-man’, Davy Jones in ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’ and John Kramer in ‘Jigsaw’. These four villains were chosen because they all chose different paths and had different endings. There is a villain Lot-so bear who acts badly until the end, a villain Magneto who later repents his mistakes and tries to save people, a villain Davy Jones who eventually died by the main character, and a villain John Kramer who faces death but continues to do cruel things through his successor. So we’re going to focus on their ‘end’ and listen to the voices of the villains and reinterpret them. Besides this, there are various contents such as Disney specials and Marvel specials!

Well, I’ll be waiting for you at ‘Villain Village’ ! Come quickly !🙌

2 thoughts on “My Podcast ‘Villain Village’

  1. Hi Yeji! I think you put the right BGM in where you explain each villan! While explaining Villain, it was a bit disappointing that there was no photo data and only a black screen came out. But I think it has the advantage of making me focus more on your voice!


    1. Hi Eunbin! Didn’t you see our photo? We put villains photo when we explain each villain 🙂 I think you didn’t pay attention to it! Hope you play our podcast again, thank you!


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